Monday, 4 March 2013

Tips On How To Deal With Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy

When you have a new baby who's about to come into your life, it can be a joy like no other. But pregnancy also comes with annoying things that you wouldn't like happening to your body (or “side-effects”, if you may call it): stretch marks, bloating, constipation, skin itching, discharge from the vagina, you name it. Perhaps the worst that can happen to you during this stage are hemorrhoids (or piles), which can be very uncomfortable and painful, but there are some things that you can do deal with hemorrhoids during pregnancy (visit

The reality is that pregnancy is actually a period in a woman's life wherein she is more prone of getting hemorrhoids (as well as varicose veins in the legs and the vulva). This is because the growing uterus is exerting pressure on the inferior vena cava and on the pelvic veins, among other reasons. With this, the blood flow from the lower part of your body is being slowed down.

Aside from this, an increase in the hormone progesterone is another culprit. This condition causes the walls of your veins to go into a relaxed state. This allows them to swell more easily, leading to hemorrhoids.

How do you avoid hemorrhoids? This is perhaps one of your biggest questions as you undergo pregnancy. Though hemorrhoids is almost always inevitable at this point in your life, there are some tips that you can follow to prevent them.

Constipation (or infrequent bowel movements and known as a common cause of painful defecation) is one of the several causes of getting piles during pregnancy. So, naturally your goal here is to prevent getting constipated, therefore you must eat foods which contain high amounts of fiber like vegetables, beans and grains. Combining this with a lot of water intake and regular exercise will help you go a long way in preventing piles.

You should also make it a point that you don't strain when moving your bowels. Avoid staying too long in the toilet to avoid pressure on the area. Move around more often and don't take too much time sitting or standing for long periods of time (this is especially applicable when you are working in the office).

How do you treat and get rid of hemorrhoids? Now, if you already got the piles, this could be the question that you're desperately trying to find an answer to! To get relief from hemorrhoids during pregnancy, follow these steps: (1) apply an icepack to the affected area daily, as this decreases the swelling and pain; (2) clean the affected area with white toilet tissue well after every bowel movement; (3) visit your physician for prescription of a topical anesthetic to overcome the pain.

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